About Plan9 AI

Business Data is the New Gold! Companies that capture, enhance, verify and protect their data will outperform those that do not.

Plan9 AI was founded by mathematicians and data scientists.  Our ‘Data Domain’ is business data trapped in platforms that have varying data integrity rules and processes to accept, reject and act upon data.  We have more than 20 years of hands-on experience using data science and data engineering tools to transform data.

Overall. the raw input costs of machine learning are falling, but industry experts tell us that the actual costs for larger companies may be increasing [1].

At Plan9 AI, we have observed firsthand that medium and small companies have been left out of most machine learning solutions.  We are fixing that with our family of Cloud Robots that use advanced machine learning tool sets to cooperatively learn how to improve your data on their current platforms and help your data move between platforms smoothly.

The end goal is better business results from better, and more actionable data.

See Our Robots

[1] Economist – The Cost of Training Machines is Becoming a Problem

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